International Projects
BSS – The birth of solar systems (PLANETS) | |
Prachové častice v slnečnej sústave | |
Program: | 5RP |
Responsible solver: | Mgr. Kocifaj Miroslav, DrSc. |
Annotation: | Solar systems emerge from the dust, gas, and ice present in discs encircling newly-born stars. State-of-the-art images from current telescopes have revealed complex substructure (rings and gaps) in dust and gas that may be caused by forming planets. However, these observations have raised many questions regarding when and how planets form; for example, we see rings in discs too young to birth planets, and we measure disc masses too low to form a Solar System analogue. Further, the demographics provided by observations of extra-solar planetary systems have revealed huge diversity and hint that our Solar System may be unique. It is clear that our picture of the birth of Solar Systems remains incomplete despite these great advances in observations.This Action will create a multi-disciplinary network covering three cornerstones: experiments, models, and observations. Experimental data is needed to accurately prescribe physics in models of disc evolution and planet formation, and to correctly interpret observations of dust and gas emission. Models are a “virtual laboratory” within which the impact of physics can be explored, and from which observational diagnostics can be created. Finally, observations provide us with the benchmarks needed to confirm or refute our picture of Solar System birth.To build a holistic picture of how Solar Systems form can only be achieved with an interdisciplinary and pan-European network. This Action will provide the structure and funding needed to develop the research framework, provide training to the next generation, and to disseminate the findings to key stakeholders. |
Project web page: | |
Duration: | 1.9.2023 – 30.9.2027 |
INHAAR – International network for harmonization of atmospheric aerosol retrievals from ground based photometers | |
Charakterizácia atmosférického aerosólu z pozemnej rádiometrie | |
Program: | COST |
Responsible solver: | Mgr. Kocifaj Miroslav, DrSc. |
Annotation: | Aerosols are particles floating in the Earth’s atmosphere linked with the largest uncertainty on estimates and interpretations of the Earth’s changing energy budget. Measurement principles differ depending on the desired derived aerosol optical parameter and on the measurement platform (surface or space).The common aerosol columnar properties’ retrieval techniques, consists of direct measurement of a bright source of radiation (sun, star, moon, sky) with a multi-wavelength photometers. Several global photometric aerosol networks exist. However, there are several instrumental, algorithm and hardware based differences on their related aerosol products and a global standardization is needed. In addition, in order to improve and optimize sun- and moon- photometric aerosol measurements, a network of aerosol scientists and operators, aerosol measurement users and software, hardware developers is needed.The objective of “ΗΑRΜΟΝΙΑ” Action is to establish a network involving institutions, instrument developers, scientific and commercial end users, in order to improve and homogenize aerosol retrievals using mainly solar and sky but also lunar and star photometers from different networks. It aims bridging user needs and the science and technology expertise residing in academia and industry, through:- Increasing the interactions and knowledge exchanges between several atmospheric aerosol network measurement scientists and users- Standardizing and improving of existing aerosol products and tools, towards a “harmony” in the aerosol photometry- Stimulating the communication between operational agencies and academia, with the aim to increase the applicability of aerosol products.- Encouraging and organizing the dialogue between researchers and instrument manufacturers, towards innovation actions on current and future photometric-aerosol instrumentation. |
Project web page: | |
Duration: | 1.10.2022 – 31.10.2026 |
H2GEO – New technology for the production of hydrogen and geopolymer composites from coal mining wasteuction from post-mining waste | |
Nová technológia výroby vodíkových a geopolymérnych kompozitov z odpadu po ťažbe uhlia | |
Program: | 5RP |
Responsible solver: | Prof.Dr.Ing. Palou Martin-Tchingnabé |
Annotation: | The current situation in the fuel market, mainly related to the war in Ukraine, may cause interruptions in the supply of fuels and other raw materials, including building materials.The development of a comprehensive technology for the management of mine waste dumps is planned within the project. The main idea of the project is to use the separated mineral fractions and fly ash to produce geopolymer composites. It is planned to use CO2 as a process carrier in the production of composites.Another important aspect of the project is determining the possibility of obtaining Hydrogen from gasifying energy fractions. High-quality raw materials for the production of geopolymers and hydrogen will be ensured by using an innovative mobile separator to process mine waste. The project will enable the creation of environmentally friendly and economically justified installations using material from a post-mining waste landfill. Achieving the final goal will be possible thanks to the implementation of the partial goals set in the project, including the development of technologies dedicated to the production of geopolymers and hydrogen. |
Duration: | 1.7.2023 – 30.6.2026 |
ReBuilt – Circular and digital renewal of central Europe construction and building sector | |
– | |
Program: | INTERREG |
Responsible solver: | Prof.Dr.Ing. Palou Martin-Tchingnabé |
Annotation: | The construction industry is one of the most natural resource-consumption sectors (more than 50% of all extracted materials, 50% of water, and 1/3 of energy are used in construction, which also produces more than 1/3 of all wastes and 1/3 GHG), therefore boosting the circular economy (CE) in this sector produces a significant impact on central European society\’s well-being and increases its resource efficiency. The current situation of innovation ecosystems for circular and digital construction varies significantly from region to region. While some regions already have good practices of using recycled materials and established administrative procedures (e.g., End-of-Waste criteria), others are still making initial steps towards circular and digital construction (e.g., focusing mainly on backfilling of Construction and Demolition Waste). Nevertheless, the common gaps in all regions are: (1) General reluctance towards Secondary Raw Material (SRM)-based products; (2) Lack of operating SRM-based construction market; (3) Lack of appropriate data about the quality of SRM-based products and their traceability (waste to product flows); (4) Lack of administrative/legal routes for reuse of products; (5) Lack of good practices of circular economy business models; (6) Lack of transnational education program for T-shaped experts.The overall objective of the ReBuilt project is to increase awareness and attractiveness of circular and digital construction through the creation of an education program, upgrade and piloting of new solutions (technical and digital), upgrade demand-side measures, including green labeling, EoW, Green Public Procurement (GPP) and through the creation of first Central European Circular and Digital Construction Strategy, which will be deployed through a network of Regional Circular and Digital Construction Hubs. The project outputs and results will further uptake construction in central Europe, taking into consideration regional and urban/rural specifics. |
Duration: | 1.4.2023 – 1.6.2026 |
V4-KOREA_RADCON – The Effect of Chemical Composition of Concrete on Its Long-term Performance in Irradiated Environment | |
Vplyv chemického zloženia betónu na jeho dlhodobú trvanlivosť v (ionizujúcom) ionizovanom prostredí | |
Program: | Multilaterálne – iné |
Responsible solver: | Prof.Dr.Ing. Palou Martin-Tchingnabé |
Annotation: | The project deals with the long-term durability of concrete structures in an environment exposed to nuclear radiation. The chemical composition of concrete composites is one of the key factors that significantly influence the aging of concrete (properties) and hence the structural integrity (durability) of concrete and reinforced concrete structures.Current topics that directly affect the operation of nuclear power plants are safety, the lifetime of nuclear power plants (NPP) and the selection of building materials for the construction of new NPP units. In nuclear power plants, concrete is exposed to strong neutron radiation and gamma radiation from an energy generating reactor, and therefore the choice of its components due to their chemical composition must reflect not only the ability to withstand radiation but also other aspects related to the durability of concrete exposed to radiation.The project is a multidisciplinary integrating procedure of numerical simulation of aging of heterogeneous composite materials in ionizing environment; experimental verification based on current knowledge and newly designed aggregates and mineral admixtures as well as design of multi-component cements.The main result of this project is the proposed method of evaluation, which links mechanical and chemical changes of irradiated minerals with long-term durability of concrete structures exposed to radiation.Samples of new concrete composites will be irradiated and the effect of type and intensity of nuclear radiation on mechanical and chemical changes depending on the chemical composition of the concrete components will be investigated.• The main goal of this project, as it follows from the analysis of the current issue, is to find out the relationships between the chemical composition of individual concrete components and the durability of concrete structures in an environment with long-term ionizing radioactive radiation.• Another objective is to assess the impact of chemical, mechanical and physical changes induced by radioactive radiation on the mechanical properties of concrete structures. |
Duration: | 1.10.2017 – 31.7.2021 |
ISIDEL – Integrated Solutions for daylighting and electric lighting | |
Integrované riešenia pre denné a umelé osvetlenie | |
Program: | IEA |
Responsible solver: | doc. Ing. Peterková Stanislav, CSc. |
Annotation: | Lighting accounts for about 19% of the total energy consumption. Research in the field of energy savings for lighting includes daylighting, artificial lighting, lighting control and new technologies to meet the needs of building occupants. The trend in research in this area is to integrate daylight, artificial light and their control in dependence on the light availability and building operation requirements.The main areas of the project are: – Facades of buildings and technologies for and daylighting artificial lighting with emphasis on the visual and non-visual needs of human as well as diversity and factors of the international market.The consortium will address the areas of tasks: – A. User perspective and requirements; – B. Integration and optimization of daylight and electric lighting; – C. Design support for practitioners (Tools, Standards, Guidelines); D. Lab and field study performance tracking.The project has the following main objectives: – find out a link between user requirements and energy consumption; – imitation of daylight; user-oriented lighting for high efficiency systems; orientation on the market and lighting and facade industry. |
Project web page: | |
Duration: | 1.1.2018 – 30.6.2021 |
SkyMeAPP – SkyMeAPP | |
SkyMe APP | |
Program: | UNESCO |
Responsible solver: | Mgr. Kocifaj Miroslav, DrSc. |
Annotation: | SkyMeAPP is a citizen science project developed by an international scientific committee and supported by UNESCO and Museo de la Luz, and it is a part of the initiatives to celebrate the proclamation of the International Day of Light 2018.SkyMe APP is an interdisciplinary project that will help to have valuable data to study light pollution and all its consequences. SkyMe is a mobile application that allows the general public to support scientific research on light pollution while generating an approach to this environmental problem and encouraging interest in the various efforts that have been made to date to control this type of pollution worldwide. |
Project web page: | |
Duration: | 8.11.2017 – 31.12.2020 |
PMS – Programa en Estudios Metropolitanos (Metropolitan Studies Programme) | |
Program metropolitných štúdií | |
Program: | Iné |
Responsible solver: | Mgr. Kocifaj Miroslav, DrSc. |
Duration: | 1.9.2014 – 30.12.2020 |
Novel thermal management design for BIPV modules incorporating MEPCM layers | |
Originálne riešenie tepelnej regulácie BIPV modulov včlenením vrstiev MEPCM | |
Program: | Medziakademická dohoda (MAD) |
Responsible solver: | Ing. Matiašovský Peter, CSc. |
Annotation: | This study proposes an innovative building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) by integrating building structure, a heat flow mechanism, and a microencapsulated phase change material (MEPCM) with a photovoltaic (PV) module. Parametric simulations and experiments of the thermal and electrical performances of this BIPV module will be performed to account for the influences of external and internal ambient environments, daily solar irradiation, and thickness as well as the melting point of the MEPCM layer.The project is expected to span over three years, jointly executed by Slovak Academy of Sciences (Slovak Republic) and National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan). The results (including testing and evaluation reports) will be structured in terms of a model process for the installation and operation of this innovative MEPCM BIPV toward improving the energy efficiency of buildings. |
Duration: | 1.1.2016 – 31.12.2018 |
Building Integrated Solar Envelope Systems for HVAC and Lighting | |
Stavebné integrované solárne systémy obodových plášťov pre HVAc a osvetlenie | |
Program: | IAEA |
Responsible solver: | doc. Ing. Peterková Stanislav, CSc. |
Annotation: | Assessing and developing test methods for the performance characterization of solar envelope elements (thermal, electric and daylighting performance characterization).Developing design, manufacturing and installation guidelines for industrialised solar envelope systems. |
Project web page: | |
Duration: | 1.2.2016 – 1.3.2017 |
LoNNe – Loss of the Night Network | |
Iniciatíva | |
Program: | COST |
Responsible solver: | Mgr. Kocifaj Miroslav, DrSc. |
Project web page: | |
Duration: | 31.10.2012 – 30.10.2016 |
LoNNe – Skyglow and air pollution relationships | |
Súvislosti medzi jasom nočnej oblohy a znečistením atmosféry | |
Program: | Iné |
Responsible solver: | Mgr. Kocifaj Miroslav, DrSc. |
Annotation: | |
Duration: | 13.2.2013 – 30.10.2016 |
Scattering of Electromagnetic Radiation by Electrically Charged and Neutral Particles: Similarities and Fundamental Differences | |
Rozptyl elektromagnetického žiarenia na elektricky nabitých a neutrálnych časticiach: podobnosti a fundamentálne rozdiely | |
Program: | Iné |
Responsible solver: | Mgr. Kocifaj Miroslav, DrSc. |
Annotation: | The knowledge of the optical properties of electrically charged particles can be applied in diverse fields of science, but especially in atmospheric science, e.g. in characterizing the water droplets in ocean sprays, ice crystals in thunderstorms, atmospheric aerosols, aerosolized spores, warfare agents, pollution, and dust. To understand the electromagnetic interactions with such particles, specific numerical tools need to be developed, verified on test data and followed by targeted computations for a set of discrete wavelengths and for particles with varying permittivity and permeability values, surface charges, temperatures, etc. Particularly, the role of temperature in electromagnetic scattering by charged particle is still not completely clarified, since the results from classical and quantum physics approaches for temperature-dependent damping constant differ. Therefore theoretical, numerical, and, experimental developments are strongly required. |
Duration: | 29.8.2014 – 28.8.2016 |
Applications of meshless methods in computational mechanics | |
Aplikácie bezprvkových formulácií v počítačovej mechanike | |
Program: | Medziakademická dohoda (MAD) |
Responsible solver: | Prof. Ing. Sládek Ján, DrSc. |
Duration: | 1.1.2014 – 31.12.2015 |
Advanced lighting solutions for retrofitting buildings | |
Progresívne riešenia osvetlenia pre obnovovanie budov | |
Program: | IEA |
Responsible solver: | doc. Ing. Peterková Stanislav, CSc. |
Annotation: | Lighting refurbishments are still lagging behind compared to what is economically and technically possible and feasible. Aims of the project are forcus on the improving of the lighting refurbishment process in non-residential buildings in order to unleash energy saving potentials while at the same time improving lighting quality. |
Project web page: | |
Duration: | 1.1.2013 – 31.12.2015 |
OCAA2013 – Optical Characterization of Atmospheric Aerosols | |
Optická charakterizácia atmosférických aerosólov | |
Program: | Iné |
Responsible solver: | Mgr. Kocifaj Miroslav, DrSc. |
Duration: | 1.8.2013 – 31.1.2014 |
RAP-RETRO – Reliability of Energy Efficient Building Retrifitting – Probability Assessment of Performance & Cost | |
Spoľahlivosť energeticky efektívnej obnovy budov – hodnotenie pravdepodobnosti kvality a ceny | |
Program: | IEA |
Responsible solver: | Ing. Matiašovský Peter, CSc. |
Duration: | 1.10.2009 – 31.12.2013 |
Spectral characteristics of skylight for the solution of Solid State Lighting (SSL) | |
Spektrálne charakteristiky oblohového svetla pre riešenie osvetlenia SSL. | |
Program: | Medziakademická dohoda (MAD) |
Responsible solver: | doc. Ing. Peterková Stanislav, CSc. |
Duration: | 1.1.2010 – 31.12.2012 |
ENVIZEO – Utilization of eco-cements CEM V, type (A, B) in structural concrete | |
Využitie ekocementov CEM V (A, B) druhu podľa EN 197-1 v konštrukčnom betóne | |
Program: | INTERREG |
Responsible solver: | Ing. Matiašovský Peter, CSc. |
Duration: | 1.9.2010 – 31.8.2012 |
Modelling of daylighting for energy saving buildings | |
Modelovanie denného osvetlenia pre energeticky úsporné budovy | |
Program: | Medzivládna dohoda |
Responsible solver: | doc. Ing. Peterková Stanislav, CSc. |
Duration: | 1.1.2010 – 31.12.2011 |
Reasearch of metakaolin modified lime mortars carbonation | |
Sledovanie karbonatácie vápenných omietok modifikovaných metakaolínom | |
Program: | Medzivládna dohoda |
Responsible solver: | Ing. Matiašovský Peter, CSc. |
Duration: | 1.1.2010 – 31.12.2011 |
HOLZSCHABE – Development of technology processing of accessible resources for materials of low-energy consumption buildings | |
Vývoj technologie spracovania regionálne dostupných surovín na stavebné materiály pre aplikáciu v nízkoenergetických budovách | |
Program: | INTERREG |
Responsible solver: | Ing. Matiašovský Peter, CSc. |
Duration: | 7.4.2008 – 31.12.2010 |
The fragility assessment of 3D asymmetric building with non-linear effects | |
Stanovenie zraniteľnosti nesymetrickej 3D budovy pri nelineárnych účinkoch | |
Program: | IAEA |
Responsible solver: | Doc. Ing. Tesár Alexander, DrSc. |
Annotation: | Analysis and comparative study of different procedures for calculating non-linear seismic response of dissymetrical concrete "wall-column" construction in different time processes and sources of seismic input.Prediction behaviour of the model structure before starting the test.Analysis and comparative studies of different procedures for calculating non-linear seismic response in a real acting seimic inputs according to the real records of implementation during the laboratory model tests. |
Duration: | 1.5.2007 – 31.10.2010 |
Investigation of new daylight criteria for energy efficient buildings | |
Skúmanie nových kritérii osvetľovania denným svetlom pre energeticky úsporné budovy | |
Program: | Medziakademická dohoda (MAD) |
Responsible solver: | doc. Ing. Peterková Stanislav, CSc. |
Duration: | 1.1.2007 – 31.12.2009 |
The investigation of spectral properties of the standard skies | |
Skúmanie spektrálnych vlastností štandardných oblôh | |
Program: | Medziakademická dohoda (MAD) |
Responsible solver: | doc. Ing. Peterková Stanislav, CSc. |
Duration: | 1.1.2007 – 31.12.2009 |
DIRCHADI – Research of light transport through tubular skylights | |
Smerové charakteristiky difúzorov pre systémy svetlovodov | |
Program: | Medzivládna dohoda |
Responsible solver: | doc. Ing. Peterková Stanislav, CSc. |
Duration: | 1.1.2008 – 31.12.2009 |
INTAS – Micromechanics of damaged composites under dynamic loading | |
Mikromechanika porušenia kompozitov pri dynamickom zaťažení | |
Program: | INTAS |
Responsible solver: | Prof. Ing. Sládek Ján, DrSc. |
Annotation: | |
Duration: | 1.10.2006 – 31.3.2009 |
Reliabiliuty, diagnostics and imperfections of structures in situ and in physical models | |
Spoľahlivosť diagnostiky imperfekcie stavebných konštrukcií in situ a ich fyzikálnych modeloch | |
Program: | Medziakademická dohoda (MAD) |
Responsible solver: | Doc. Ing. Tesár Alexander, DrSc. |
Duration: | 1.1.2006 – 31.12.2008 |
MOIST-ENG – Whole building heat, air and moisture response | |
Tepelno-vzduchovo-vlhkostné správanie budovy ako celku | |
Program: | IEA |
Responsible solver: | Ing. Matiašovský Peter, CSc. |
Project web page: | |
Duration: | 1.1.2004 – 31.12.2008 |
KMM-NoE – Knowledge-based multicomponent materials for durable and safe performance | |
Inteligentné mnohokomponentné materiály pre dlhodobé a spoľahlivé používanie | |
Program: | 6RP |
Responsible solver: | Prof. Ing. Sládek Ján, DrSc. |
Project web page: | |
Duration: | 1.11.2004 – 31.10.2008 |
Identification and reconstruction of nonconservative dynamic systems | |
Identifikácia a rekonštrukcia nekonzervatívnych dynamických systémov | |
Program: | Medzivládna dohoda |
Responsible solver: | Ing. Mazúch Tibor, CSc. |
Duration: | 1.1.2006 – 31.12.2007 |
SVETLOVOD – Research of real yearly daylight conditions for effective utilisation of lightpipes under climate conditions in Czech Republic and Slovakia | |
Výskum reálnych celoročných podmienok osvetlenosti pre efektívne využitie svetlovodov v klimatických podmienkach ČR a SR | |
Program: | Medzivládna dohoda |
Responsible solver: | doc. Ing. Peterková Stanislav, CSc. |
Duration: | 1.1.2006 – 31.12.2007 |
INDISGLA – The investigation of the intensity, direction and wavelength dependence of discomfort glare | |
Skúmanie intenzity, smerovej a vlnovej závislosti nepriaznivých účinkov oslnenia. | |
Program: | Medziakademická dohoda (MAD) |
Responsible solver: | doc. Ing. Peterková Stanislav, CSc. |
Duration: | 1.1.2004 – 31.12.2006 |
Computational methods for multicomponent materials for durable and safe structures | |
Výpočtové metódy pre kompozitné materiály na trvanlivé a bezpečné konštrukcie | |
Program: | Medziakademická dohoda (MAD) |
Responsible solver: | Prof. Ing. Sládek Ján, DrSc. |
Duration: | 1.1.2005 – 31.12.2006 |
UPTUN – Cost-effective, sustainable and innovative upgrading methods for fire safety in existing tunnels | |
Finančne-nenáročné, trvanlivé a inovatívne metódy zvyšovania požiarnej bezpečnosti v existujúcich tuneloch | |
Program: | 5RP |
Responsible solver: | Ing. Janotka Ivan, CSc. |
Duration: | – 31.8.2006 |
SAFERELNET – Safety and Reliability of Industrial Products, Systems and Structures | |
Bezpečnosť a spoľahlivosť priemyselných výrobkov, systémov a konštrukcií | |
Program: | 5RP |
Responsible solver: | Ing. Sadovský Zoltán, DrSc. |
Duration: | 1.9.2001 – 28.2.2006 |