Department of Architecture
With establishing the institute (1953), the groups for architecture (with professor Emil Bellus (1899-1979) and professor Vladimir Karfik (1901)) and for town-planning have been formed. Afterwards, the research in the field of town-planning theory was being noticeable developed. It was guided by an outstanding Czechoslovak theoretician of town-planning, the holder of Herder prize, professor Emanuel Hruska (1906-1989). The research was focused on the methodics and theory of town-planning. Under guidance of Tibor Zalcik (1927-1985), the research was focused also on the history of town-planning and theory of environment. The theory of architecture started to be developed under the guidance of docent Matus Dulla (1950), and later on, since the 1990, of Martin Masek (1956). At that time the department was named Department of Ekistics and was joined by the group of town-planning sociology. Under guidance of Henrieta Moravcikova (1963) the Department of architecture is specialised in investigating the 20th century architecture with special focus on modernism and heritage issues of modern architecture.