Material composition and properties of self-compacting heavyweight concrete
Grant No. VEGA 2/0017/21
Duration: 1. 1. 2021 – 31. 12. 2023
Principal researcher: prof. Dr. Ing. Palou, Martin-Tchingnabé
The main focus of the project is the development of self-compacting heavyweight concretes based on cement composites containing admixtures (blast furnace slag, metakaolin, and ground limestone), heavy fillers (magnetite, barite or mixtures, cast iron pulp), and superplasticizers. The project will determine the chemical composition of individual concrete components, including the presence of radionuclides and the heat of hydration of cementitious composites. It will optimize the grading curve of heavy aggregates and concrete composition so that the developed material has a bulk density higher than 3000 kg/m3 and meets the requirements of self-compacting concretes, which means the capability to compact without any vibration, without segregation and sedimentation of its constituents as determined by V-funnel and L-form. Short and long-term mechanical and physical properties of the resulting concrete will be investigated. Self-compacting heavyweight concretes have potential applications in Nuclear Power Plants.