Architecture Archive Slovakia

Architecture Archive Slovakia was established at the Department of Architecture of the Institute of Construction and Architecture, Slovak Academy of Sciences as a result of long-term research of the 20th century architecture in Slovakia. The archive consists of original documents (plans, photographs) and systematic database of 3000 architectural works of 20th and 21st century in Slovakia. The monograph M. Dulla – H. Moravčíková: Architektúra Slovenska v 20. storočí (20th Century Architecture in Slovakia) published in Bratislava, Slovart 2002 was the first complex presentation of this research results.

© M. Dulla, H. Moravčíková, ÚSTARCH SAV

In October 2004 the most important works of the Architecture Archive Slovakia became a part of the interactive database nextroom. The presentation established in the collaboration with „ nextroom – architektur im net “ provides information in the form of texts, images, plans, biographical details and addresses.

Since 2008 the most important parts of the Architecture Archive Slovakia are put online.

Own website:

Department of Architecture ÚSTARCH SAV is responsible for managing the archive on line and for the new entries.
All texts and images are protected by copyright and may only be used with the written permission of the photographer or author concerned.
© Department Architecture ÚSTARCH SAV
