
List of Patents and Patent applications


Registered in European Union:

European patent No. 3105614 , Novel Lighting Threat Indicator, (Miroslav Kocifaj, Jozef Klačka, Gorden Videen), owners: ÚSTARCH SAV (SK) + Univerzita Komenského (SK) + Videen, Gorden (US)


Registered in Slovakia:

PV: SK 288311 B6, Thermal insulation system and method of its application (Matiašovský Peter, Bágeľ Ľubomír), owner ÚSTARCH SAV


Registered in Slovakia:

PV: 50064-2014, Method and system for 3D reconstruction of fine structure with use of RTG tomography combined with elastic scattering (Kocifaj Miroslav, Mego Michal), coowners: ÚSTARCH SAV + Univerzita Komenského

PV: 05010-2014, Capsule for targeted application of the pharmaceutical agent and method its release out of the capsule (Kocifaj Miroslav, Mego Michal) co-owners: ÚSTARCH SAV + Národný onkologický ústav

Registered in European Union:

PCT/SK2014/000020, Method of isolation of circulating cells from the peripheral blood (Kocifaj Miroslav,Mego Michal), co-owners: ÚSTARCH SAV + Univerzita Komenského

PCT/SK2014/000024, Method and Apparatus for Lightning Threat Indication (Kocifaj Miroslav, Klačka Jozef, Videen Gorden), co-owners: ÚSTARCH SAV + Videen Gorden + Univerzita Komenského


Registered in Slovakia:

PV: 00092-2013, Method of isolation of circulating cells from the peripheral blood (Kocifaj Miroslav, M. Mego), co-owners: ÚSTARCH SAV + Univerzita Komenského

PV: 00114-2013, Method and Apparatus for Lightning Threat Indication (Kocifaj Miroslav, Klačka Jozef, Videen Gorden), coowners: ÚSTARCH SAV + Videen Gorden + Univerzita Komenského